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A szendvicspanel szerkezetek technológiai fejlesztése innovatív kutatások által
A szendvicspanelek modern könnyűszerkezetű építőelemek, amelyek fal és tető burkolására valamint belső terek különválasztására alkalmasak. A szendvicspanel alaptípusa két vékony fémlemezből és a közte levő szigetelőanyagból (mag) áll. .
A szendvicspanelek felhasználása folyamatosan bővül, alkalmazásuk közkedvelt mind az ipari létesítmények, mind pedig a lakó- és irodaházak építésekor. A szendvicspanelekre vonatkozó Európai Szabvány (EN 14509) sok tekintetben hiányos, nem szabályozza a panelek összekapcsolásának, a nyílászáróknak, a tengelyes terhelésnek és a panelstabilizáló keretszerkezeteknek kérdéseit. Bár az egyes tagországokban számos kísérleti eredmény született és jelentős tudásanyag halmozódott fel a témában, ennek ellenére nem dolgoztak ki közös előírásokat. A szabályok egységesítésének további halogatása mind az elemek fejlesztését mind azok későbbi használatát megnehezíti, és további problémákat okoz.
A projekt célja, hogy ezeket a problémákat orvosolja és olyan megoldásokat, technikai irányelveket dolgozzon ki, amelyek a gyakorlatban is hasznosíthatók emellett a 2008 decemberében közzétett EN 14509-es szabvány módosításához is felhasználhatók.
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Le deuxième objectif du projet est de faire rentrer ces nouvelles informations dans l'utilisation et la pratique, ce qui sera réalisé par le biais de séminaires et de guides d’utilisation ainsi que des modules d’e-learning. Ces sujets sont d’un grand intérêt pour l’industrie et les utilisateurs. Le projet introduit des lignes directrices pour ces sujets non inclus dans la version actuelle de la norme, mais qui sur la base de cette recherche seront mis en œuvre dans une révision ultérieure de la norme. Des orientations pratiques et des séminaires permettront d'élargir une utilisation correcte et sûre des panneaux sandwich en Europe. Les éléments novateurs du projet sont de nouvelles applications, comme le cisaillement la résistance en plan.
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Les panneaux sandwich sont des éléments de construction moderne et légers utilisés en bardage et toiture des bâtiments et en espaces d’isolation thermique à l’intérieur des bâtiments. Ils sont généralement composés de deux fines feuilles de métal enserrant un isolant.
L'utilisation de panneaux sandwich ne cesse d'augmenter et de nouveaux domaines d'application sont ouverts dans les zones industrielles, résidentielles et d'immeubles de bureaux. La norme européenne pour des panneaux sandwich EN 14509 manque de règles ou de prescriptions relatives à de nombreux domaines importants comme la fixation des panneaux, les ouvertures dans les panneaux, les panneaux chargés dans leur plan et les panneaux participant à la stabilité de la charpente. Bien qu'il y ait beaucoup de connaissances dans les différents pays sur ces sujets, aucune règle commune n’a été élaboré, freinant ainsi la normalisation et conduisant à des obstacles pour certains de ces applications.
L'objectif de ce projet est de surmonter ces problèmes, d’élaborer des solutions et préparer des directives techniques pour la mise en œuvre de la révision de la norme EN 14509 publiée en Décembre
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Unapređenje sandwich konstrukcija kroz inovaciju i praksu
Projekt ima službenu i financijsku potporu Europske komisije
Sandwich paneli su moderni, lagani građevinski elementi koji se koriste pri gradnji objekata kao zidne i krovne obloge, te kao elementi koji su izolacijsko rješenje zatvorenog prostora. Sastoje se od dva tanka lima s izolacijskom jezgrom položenom između limova.
Uporaba sandwich panela u građevinarstvu kontinuirano raste, a kao rezultat toga se uočavaju nova područja primjene pri izgradnji industrijskih, rezidencijalnih i poslovnih objekata.
Europski standard za ispitivanje panela EN 14509 ne pokriva pravila i zahtjeve mnogih važnih područja, poput spajanja i pričvršćivanja panela, otvora u panelima, aksijalnog opterećenja panela i stabilizacije konstrukcije panelima. Premda u različitim državama postoje mnoga saznanja, vezana za ove teme, unificirana pravila nisu definirana. Upravo to ometa standardizaciju i stvara prepreke pri uporabi panela u građevinarstvu.
Cilj projekta je premostiti ove probleme i razviti rješenja, kao i tehničke smjernice spremne za implementaciju revizije standarda EN 14509, obznanjenog u prosincu 2008. godine.
Drugi je cilj projekta implementacija novih informacija u praksi, koja će se realizirati kroz seminare, praktične smjernice te e-learning module, za što postoji veliki interes kako građevinskih tvrtki tako i ostalih krajnjih potrošača. Projekt predstavlja smjernice tema dobivene na temelju istraživanja primjene postojećeg standarda, a koje će biti implementirane u novom standardu, vrlo važnog za praksu. Praktične smjernice i seminari će pomoći i proširiti, ispravnu i sigurnu uporabu sandwich panela u Europi i ICPC-u.
Razmatranje utjecaja karakteristika otpornosti poput posmične i aksijalne otpornosti na stabilizaciju panela, novosti su ovog projekta.
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Sandwich panels are modern lightweight building components used to cover walls and roofs of buildings and to isolate spaces inside buildings. They are typically made of two thin metal sheets with an insulating core between the faces.
The use of sandwich panels is continuously increasing and new application areas are opened in industrial, residential and office buildings. The European Standard for sandwich panels EN 14509 has a lack of rules or requirements for many important areas like fastening of the panels, openings in panels, axially loaded panels and panels stabilizing frame structures. Despite there is a lot of knowledge in different countries on these subjects, no common rules have been developed, thus putting a hinder to the standardisation and leading to barriers for some of these applications.
The aim of this project is to overcome these problems and develop solutions and technical guidelines ready for implementation for the revision of the standard EN 14509 published in December 2008.
The second goal of the project is to implement the new information in the use in practice, which will be carried out through seminars and practical guidelines as well as e-learning modules. The subjects are of high industrial and user interest. The project introduces guidelines for topics not included in the present version of the standard but will on the base of this research be implemented in a later revision of the standard. The subjects are very important in practice. Practical guidelines and seminars will help and broaden the correct and safe use of sandwich panels in Europe and ICPC. The innovative parts of the project are new applications like the in-plane shear
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Sandwich panel for metal facade
Alutherm® elements are light weight Alu/Alu Sandwich elements with rigid polyurethane foam used in the supporting core construction. Alutherm® elements are subject to DIN 4102 regulations and classified as Group B1- flame resistant building material. Versatile applicable and energy-saving. videozoom
Download the Flash plug-in Alutherm® elements are light weight Alu/Alu Sandwich elements with rigid polyurethane foam used in the supporting core construction. Alutherm® elements are subject to DIN 4102 regulations and classified as Group B1- flame resistant building material. Versatile applicable and energy-saving. |
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Components of varying types can be enhanced by the use of strong, lightweight honeycomb structures that are durable and enhance the 'high tech' feel of your product. Using your design, we can incorporate our honeycomb technology in a variety of different methods. Some of the fabrication options are shown to the right.
Potting compounds, threaded inserts, hard spots, extrusions, anodized components, pre-drilling, tapped, and a variety of other custom fabrication techniques can be used.
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Pacific Panels Inc. is a privately held US Corporation and has manufactured honeycomb panels since 1994. Our honeycomb panels are now being used in countless commercial applications where strength, flatness and lightweight is needed. From the retail industry to high-end engineering systems, our honeycomb panels are a cost effective option for any related venture. With Pacific Panels honeycomb panel technology, we are able to offer custom solutions for your project.
Our staff has over 30 years of experience in Honeycomb, composite and sandwich panel manufacturing. We are dedicated in driving our company to take advantage of our technical expertise, coupled with cutting edge manufacturing technologies, to offer our customers the highest quality products, cost savings and reduced lead times.
Pacific Panels Inc. is a leader in lightweight and high-strength products. We are poised to be at the center of innovative solutions to complex changes and in energy and green products for the global environment. Pacific Panels has provided successful solutions to over 14 industries world wide.
Please allow us to help your company be even more successful.
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PACIFIC PANELS INC. builds a full range of structural panels manufactured from a variety of lightweight, high strength materials. We utilize our unique knowledge of materials to fabricate LOW COST solutions that meet our customers requirements. Pacific Panels serves a variety of markets from the clean room industry to commercial, retail and aerospace applications. Our aluminum panels are made from aluminum honeycomb core expanded into a hexagonal structure sandwiched by the aluminum facings which are then bonded together by a layer of adhesive. Sandwich panels utilizing aluminum honeycomb cores result in lightweight, high strength structures that are very rigid. Aluminum honeycomb panels have the best strength to weight ratio of any construction available. Deflection load tests are available. MORE....
Cleanroom Wall and Ceiling Panels -
Pacific Panels offers a wide range of lightweight strong and stiff panels consisting of aluminum facing bonded with a thermosetting epoxy adhesive using 3/4" cell size commercial grade aluminum honeycomb core. MORE....
Display Panels - Cosmetically appealing lightweight panels that require no special supporting structure are used in a variety of applications in retail stores. These panels offer safety, ease of installation and low cost over traditional structures. Our panels are stiff, strong and durable and are custom fabricated for your application. MORE...
General Purpose Panels - Our GPP high-end sandwich panels have the advantages of superior-flatness, light weight, and unparalleled rigidity. MORE... Machining & Manufacturing Capabilities -
Our in-house capability to cut aluminum honeycomb core makes it easy for our customers to achieve any desired thickness of aluminum panels and other custom facings. MORE...
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Honeycomb Sandwich Panels
Our standard aluminum panels are 4’x 8’, 4’x 10’, and 4’x 12'. Custom sizes are available up to 5' wide and 20' long or 4' wide and 30' long. Standard aluminum panel thicknesses are ¼", ½", 1’,1 ¾" and 1 7/8". Other thicknesses are available upon request. Standard aluminum facing thickness is 0.032 (0.025, 0.040, 0.063 available). Front and back aluminum facings can be coated with a wide variety of Powder or Roll Coated finishes. Facings can be either nonconductive or Electro static dissipative.
Standard colors include Polar White, Designer White, and Shell. Other colors are available depending on volume and lead-time requirements. Lead times for any combination of our standard aluminum panels - shipped within 2-3 weeks ARO-. As for our stock aluminum panels we have ready available 4’x 8’x ¼” and 4’x 10’x ¼” polar white aluminum honeycomb panels with .032 aluminum skins and ¾” cell size commercial grade aluminum core (see stock aluminum panels for spec).
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Sandviç Panel Çatı PaneliEtiketler : Sandviç panel çatı paneli Assan Panel Sandwich panel Sandwich panel satışı Sandwich panel uygulama alanları sandwichpanel uygulaması Boyalı sac panel Alüminyum panel Poliüretanlı panel Taşyünü dolgulu panel Çatı paneli Cephe paneli Assan Panel Çatı Panel 915 R3 çatı paneli 3 hatve çatı paneli 5 hatve çatı paneli SANDVİÇ PANEL ÇATI PANELİ
Sandviç panel çatı paneli dünyada ve ülkemizde genellikle poliüretan dolgulu sandviç panel çatı paneli olarak üretilmekle beraber taş yünü dolgulu sandviç panel çatı paneli, cam yünü dolgulu sandviç panel çatı paneli ve polystren dolgulu sandviç panel çatı paneli olarak ta üretilmektedir.
Sandviç panel çatı paneli alt ve üst metalleri boyalı galvaniz sac galvaniz sac,boyalı alüminyum sac ve gofrajlı alüminyum sac metaller kullanılmaktadır.Sandviç panel çatı paneli çoğunlukla boyalı galvaniz sac metal kullanarak üretilmekte olup az miktarda alüminyum sac metaller kullanarak ta üretilmektedir.
Sandviç panel çatı panelinde kullanılan boyalı sac metaller genellikle polyester boya kullanarak rulo boyama yöntemiyle boyanmaktadır. Sandviç panel çatı panelinde kullanılan Ral renkleri alt metal ral 90002 yada ral 9010 olarak kullanılmakla birlikte üst metal rengi yatırımcısının tercihine bırakılarak Ral2004, ral 3000, ral 3004, ral 3009, ral 5002, ral 5010, ral 5015, ral 5018, ral 5022, ral 6000, ral 6005, ral 6018, ral 6013, ral 6021, ral 7035, ral 7038, ral 7039,ral 7044, ral 7049, ral 8004, ral 8016, ral 9002,ral 9003,ral 9006, ral 9007, ral 9010, ral 9016 renklerinde kullanılmaktadır.
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Panel Cephe PaneliEtiketler : sandviç panel cephe paneli Assan Panel Sandwich panel Sandwich panel satışı Sandwich panel uygulama alanları sandwichpanel uygulaması Boyalı sac panel Alüminyum panel Poliüretanlı panel Taşyünü dolgulu panel Çatı paneli Cephe paneli Assan Panel Çatı Panel 915 R3 çatı paneli 3 hatve çatı paneli 5 hatve çatı paneli
Sandviç panel cephe paneli,sandviç panelin Türkiye de çoğunlukla poliüretan dolgulu sandviç panel cephe paneli olarak üretilmekle beraber polystren dolgulu sandviç panel cephe paneli taş yünü dolgulu sandviç panel cephe paneli, cam yünü dolgulu sandviç panel cephe paneli ve olarak ta üretilmektedir.
Sandviç panel cephe paneli alt ve üst metalleri boyalı galvaniz sac galvaniz sac,boyalı alüminyum sacdan üretilmektedir.Sandviç panel çatı panelinin alüminyum metal kullanarak üretilmesi sakıncalıdır.Alüminyumun yumuşak bir metal olması nedeniyle sandviç panel cephe paneli üretiminde kullanılmamaktadır,
Sandviç panel cephe paneli gizli vidalı cephe paneli, dışarıdan vidalı cephe panel, soğuk oda paneli gibi kendi içerisinde kullanılış amaçlarına göre değişik versiyonları mevcuttur.Sandviç panel cephe paneli mikro form flat form ve daha değişik dış görüntüde üretlmektedir.Sandviç panel cephe paneli yatırımcısının talebine göre istenilen renklerde üretilmektedir.Sandviç panel cephe paneli ral 9002, ral 9006, ral 1015,ral 2004,ral 3000,ral 5002, ral 5010, ral 2004,ral 6021,ral 6018, ral 7047,ral 7035, ral 7039,ral 8004 ral 9016,ral 9010 renklerinde üretilmektedir.
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